Shakespeare in Prison│A Look Inside
If you’re looking for photos, videos, the blog, activity packs… you’ve come to the right place. Happy scrolling!
Did you miss our webinar about Shakespeare in Prison’s process and outcomes?
Fear not! We recorded it! You can watch it right here or on YouTube, whenever you like. Click here to download a PDF of the slideshow.
Activity Packs
For 100 weeks, Shakespeare in Prison sent bi-weekly activity packs to incarcerated SIP ensemble members as a means of connection and engagement during a time when in-person programming was paused by the Michigan Department of Corrections as a Covid-19 safety precaution. We welcome you to click here to download them and use them however you like!

The Blog
From 2012-2020, SIP facilitators regularly updated a blog with an entry for each in-prison session and performance. And now, with our return in January 2023, we’re at it again! Click here to follow along with the ensemble’s process.